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Application Transformation

Application Transformation

Smooth and cost effective solution development, modernization and migration

Efficient and Agile response to match customer needs is essential, to accelerate innovation, in order to deliver products and services in less time with greater impact.

Reduce the cost of operating legacy Apps by 30% and seed up release cycle by 15% Reduce build time by 50% and Improve App performance up to 80%

Build customer centric products that are business focused with focus on delivering Business Value by tried and tested methodology in effective engineering culture.

Application Strategy

Effective Solutions Architecture

Migrate to Newer, Cheaper and Faster Technologies

Automated and Quick Deployment

Qualified Workforce

VNG Solutions way

Reduce costly operations and maintenance. Enable scalability, and independent service handling to increase performance using microservices approach

Wrong focus, unclear requirements, inaccurate cost estimation, release delays, lack of quality assurance

Lack of 24/7 technical support and monitoring, high cost, not enough time to complete all requests, security of your cloud, cloud Migration issues

Expensive headcount, lack of knowledgeable workforce, difficulties in hiring

Lack Of global support and technical support capabilities

Under pressure to innovate in order to remain competitive

Manual and slow deployment, inconsistent environment configurations, unoptimized deployment pipeline

VNG Solutions way

Reduce costly operations and maintenance. Enable scalability, and independent service handling to increase performance using microservices approach

Benefits of
APP Transformation

Improve productivity by

  • Achieve Business IT alignment,
  • Ensure your Architecture is future proof and resilient to withstand any situation
  • Use your on-premise and cloud solution to enable core differentiators
  • Cut expenditures of operating and maintaining outdated apps
  • Focus on core business activities while delegating technical tasks to our experts

Shorten go to market timeframe by

  • Fast and secure development
  • Application agility and ease of redeployment
  • Increase speed to market by 70%
  • Cut expenditures of operating and maintaining outdated apps by 70%

Improve scalability by

  • Safe and scalable migration
  • Ensure Business continuity
  • Automatized quick releases shortened time to market

Optimize workload costs by

  • Optimizing operation and saving money
  • Focusing on your core Business
  • Ensuring tech teams are fulfilling Business needs
  • Do more with less, use VNG’s qualified workforce

How We Do It

With our model, our customers can gain all the benefits of highly-skilled technical resources without the risks of hiring in-house developers. We provide the talent you need for ongoing application development and maintenance.

Our Services

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